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The "HART" trademark, serial number 73287801 , was filed on 28th of November 1980 with a mark drawing code of 1000 and its transaction date is 73287801. Since 31st of December 2010, the document can be found in the 520 law office in the publication and issue section. The status of the trademark was checked last on 03/05/1984.

The corresponded responsible for this trademark is HART GINSENG DEALERS, located at P. O. BOX 3930, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92103.

The state or country where the trademark was organized is CA by Hartfelt, Arthur H.. The legal entity type behing it is a Individual, located at P. O. Box 3930, San Diego, CA zip 92103.

International Class - 005 - Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides.
U.S. Class018 - Medicines and Pharmaceutical Preparations
Class Status8 - Abandoned
Status Date08/04/1999
First Use Date11/05/1980
First Use in Commerce Date11/20/1980
Primary Code005
Goods codes

The "HART" trademark, serial number 78304433 , was filed on 23rd of September 2003 with a mark drawing code of 1000 and its transaction date is 78304433. The attorney assigned is Marnie Wright Barnhorst, attorney docket number T11775US0. Since 2nd of March 2012, the document can be found in the L30 law office in the publication and issue section. The employee responsible is SPARACINO, MARK V and the date it was published for opposition on 06/22/2004. The date when we last checked the status of this trademark was 03/02/2012.

The "HART" trademark, serial number 85195626 , was filed on 10th of December 2010 with a mark drawing code of 3000 and its transaction date is 85195626. The attorney assigned is Susan D. Berney-Key, attorney docket number 310867-20000. Since 22nd of May 2012, the document can be found in the M30 law office in the publication and issue section. The employee responsible is MARTIN, LIEF ANDREW and the date it was published for opposition on 04/26/2011. The status of the trademark was checked last on 12/15/2011.

Information gathered on 12/31/2009. No claim is made regarding the current trademark status. This page is not to be used as legal documentation. Always consult a licensed attorney.

Based on public records. Inadvertent errors are possible.
This web site is not associated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by and has no official or unofficial affiliation with the trademark's owners.