The "POINT OF HOPE" trademark, serial number 85382769 , was filed on 27th of July 2011 with a mark drawing code of 4000 and its transaction date is 85382769. The attorney assigned is Jennifer M. Mikulina, attorney docket number 089207-0011. Since 9th of May 2012, the document can be found in the M50 law office in the publication and issue section. The employee responsible is LEWIS, SHAILA E and the date it was published for opposition on 05/29/2012. The status of the trademark was checked last on 04/24/2012.
The "POINT OF HOPE" trademark, serial number 85382783 , was filed on 27th of July 2011 with a mark drawing code of 3000 and its transaction date is 85382783. The attorney assigned is Jennifer M. Mikulina, attorney docket number 089207-0012. Since 9th of May 2012, the document can be found in the M50 law office in the publication and issue section. The employee responsible is LEWIS, SHAILA E and the date it was published for opposition on 05/29/2012. The date when we last checked the status of this trademark was 04/24/2012.
Information gathered on 12/31/2009. No claim is made regarding the current trademark status. This page is not to be used as legal documentation. Always consult a licensed attorney.
This web site is not associated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by and has no official or unofficial affiliation with the trademark's owners.