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The "POWER CAT" trademark, serial number 78730820 , was filed on 11th of October 2005 with a mark drawing code of 4000 and its transaction date is 78730820. Since 16th of August 2012, the document can be found in the L70 law office in the publication and issue section. The employee responsible is FICKES, JERI J and the date it was published for opposition on 06/20/2006. The date when we last checked the status of this trademark was 09/25/2007.

The "POWER CAT" trademark, serial number 77273537 , was filed on 6th of September 2007 with a mark drawing code of 4000 and its transaction date is 77273537. The attorney assigned is Marta S. Levine, attorney docket number 820134.00008. Since 7th of March 2014, the document can be found in the M70 law office in the publication and issue section. The employee responsible is LEE, DEBRA ANN and the date it was published for opposition on 04/22/2008. The date when we last checked the status of this trademark was 03/07/2014.

Information gathered on 12/31/2009. No claim is made regarding the current trademark status. This page is not to be used as legal documentation. Always consult a licensed attorney.

Based on public records. Inadvertent errors are possible.
This web site is not associated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by and has no official or unofficial affiliation with the trademark's owners.